The Go bindings make it easy to use Frida’s APIs from Go.

Some of the provided functionality includes:

  • Listing devices/applications/processes
  • Attaching to applications/processes
  • Fetching information about devices/applications/processes

For the full documentation please visit pkg.go.dev.


package main

import (


func main() {
	manager := frida.NewDeviceManager()
	devices, err := manager.EnumerateDevices()
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Printf("[*] Frida version: %s\n", frida.Version())
	fmt.Println("[*] Devices: ")
	for _, device := range devices {
		fmt.Printf("[*] %s => %s\n", device.Name(), device.ID())

Example above should output something like:

$ go build main.go && ./main
[*] Frida version: 16.0.3
[*] Devices:
[*] Local System => local
[*] Local Socket => socket