Frida CLI
Frida CLI is a REPL interface that aims to emulate a lot of the nice features of IPython (or Cycript), which tries to get you closer to your code for rapid prototyping and easy debugging.
# Connect Frida to an iPad over USB and start debugging Safari
$ frida -U Safari
| | Frida 4.0.0 - A world-class dynamic
| | instrumentation framework
| | Commands:
| | help -> Displays the help system
| | object? -> Display information about 'object'
| | exit/quit -> Exit
| |
| | More info at
[USB::iPad 4::Safari]->
An example session
# Connect Frida to a locally-running
$ frida Calculator
| | Frida 4.0.0 - A world-class dynamic
| | instrumentation framework
| | Commands:
| | help -> Displays the help system
| | object? -> Display information about 'object'
| | exit/quit -> Exit
| |
| | More info at
# Look at the local variables/context
[Local::ProcName::Calculator]-> <TAB>
Backtracer Process
CpuContext Proxy
Dalvik Socket
DebugSymbol Stalker
File Thread
Frida WeakRef
Instruction clearInterval
Interceptor clearTimeout
Memory console
MemoryAccessMonitor gc
Module ptr
NULL recv
NativeCallback send
NativeFunction setInterval
NativePointer setTimeout
# Look at things exposed through the ObjC interface
[Local::ProcName::Calculator]-> ObjC.<TAB>
Object implement selector
available mainQueue selectorAsString
classes schedule
# List the first 10 classes (there are a lot of them!)
[Local::...::Calculator]-> Object.keys(ObjC.classes).slice(0, 10)
Loading a script
# Connect Frida to a locally-running and load calc.js
$ frida Calculator -l calc.js
| | Frida 4.0.0 - A world-class dynamic
| | instrumentation framework
| | Commands:
| | help -> Displays the help system
| | object? -> Display information about 'object'
| | exit/quit -> Exit
| |
| | More info at
# The code in calc.js has now been loaded and executed
# Reload it from file at any time
[Local::ProcName::Calculator]-> %reload
Enable the Node.js compatible debugger
# Connect Frida to a locally-running
# and load calc.js with the debugger enabled
$ frida Calculator -l calc.js --debug
| | Frida 4.0.0 - A world-class dynamic
| | instrumentation framework
| | Commands:
| | help -> Displays the help system
| | object? -> Display information about 'object'
| | exit/quit -> Exit
| |
| | More info at
Debugger listening on port 5858
# We can now run node-inspector and start debugging calc.js