
Example tool for directly monitoring a jvm.dll

Shows how to monitor a jvm.dll which is being executed by a process called fledge.exe (BB Simulator) using Frida.

Save this code as, run BB Simulator (fledge.exe), then run python.exe fledge.exe for monitoring AES usage of jvm.dll.

import frida
import sys

def on_message(message, data):
    print("[%s] => %s" % (message, data))

def main(target_process):
    session = frida.attach(target_process)

    script = session.create_script("""

    // Find base address of current imported jvm.dll by main process fledge.exe
    const baseAddr = Module.findBaseAddress('Jvm.dll');
    console.log('Jvm.dll baseAddr: ' + baseAddr);

    const setAesDecrypt0 = resolveAddress('0x1FF44870'); // Here we use the function address as seen in our disassembler

    Interceptor.attach(setAesDecrypt0, { // Intercept calls to our SetAesDecrypt function

        // When function is called, print out its parameters
        onEnter(args) {
            console.log('[+] Called SetAesDeCrypt0' + setAesDecrypt0);
            console.log('[+] Ctx: ' + args[0]);
            console.log('[+] Input: ' + args[1]); // Plaintext
            console.log('[+] Output: ' + args[2]); // This pointer will store the de/encrypted data
            console.log('[+] Len: ' + args[3]); // Length of data to en/decrypt
            dumpAddr('Input', args[1], args[3].toInt32());
            this.outptr = args[2]; // Store arg2 and arg3 in order to see when we leave the function
            this.outsize = args[3].toInt32();

        // When function is finished
        onLeave(retval) {
            dumpAddr('Output', this.outptr, this.outsize); // Print out data array, which will contain de/encrypted data as output
            console.log('[+] Returned from setAesDecrypt0: ' + retval);

    function dumpAddr(info, addr, size) {
        if (addr.isNull())

        console.log('Data dump ' + info + ' :');
        const buf = addr.readByteArray(size);

        // If you want color magic, set ansi to true
        console.log(hexdump(buf, { offset: 0, length: size, header: true, ansi: false }));

    function resolveAddress(addr) {
        const idaBase = ptr('0x1FEE0000'); // Enter the base address of jvm.dll as seen in your favorite disassembler (here IDA)
        const offset = ptr(addr).sub(idaBase); // Calculate offset in memory from base address in IDA database
        const result = baseAddr.add(offset); // Add current memory base address to offset of function to monitor
        console.log('[+] New addr=' + result); // Write location of function in memory to console
        return result;
    script.on('message', on_message)
    print("[!] Ctrl+D on UNIX, Ctrl+Z on Windows/cmd.exe to detach from instrumented program.\n\n")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print("Usage: %s <process name or PID>" % __file__)

        target_process = int(sys.argv[1])
    except ValueError:
        target_process = sys.argv[1]