Example tool for directly monitoring a jvm.dll
Shows how to monitor a jvm.dll which is being executed by a process called fledge.exe (BB Simulator) using Frida.
Save this code as, run BB Simulator (fledge.exe), then run
python.exe fledge.exe
for monitoring
AES usage of
import frida
import sys
def on_message(message, data):
print("[%s] => %s" % (message, data))
def main(target_process):
session = frida.attach(target_process)
script = session.create_script("""
// Find base address of current imported jvm.dll by main process fledge.exe
const baseAddr = Module.findBaseAddress('Jvm.dll');
console.log('Jvm.dll baseAddr: ' + baseAddr);
const setAesDecrypt0 = resolveAddress('0x1FF44870'); // Here we use the function address as seen in our disassembler
Interceptor.attach(setAesDecrypt0, { // Intercept calls to our SetAesDecrypt function
// When function is called, print out its parameters
onEnter(args) {
console.log('[+] Called SetAesDeCrypt0' + setAesDecrypt0);
console.log('[+] Ctx: ' + args[0]);
console.log('[+] Input: ' + args[1]); // Plaintext
console.log('[+] Output: ' + args[2]); // This pointer will store the de/encrypted data
console.log('[+] Len: ' + args[3]); // Length of data to en/decrypt
dumpAddr('Input', args[1], args[3].toInt32());
this.outptr = args[2]; // Store arg2 and arg3 in order to see when we leave the function
this.outsize = args[3].toInt32();
// When function is finished
onLeave(retval) {
dumpAddr('Output', this.outptr, this.outsize); // Print out data array, which will contain de/encrypted data as output
console.log('[+] Returned from setAesDecrypt0: ' + retval);
function dumpAddr(info, addr, size) {
if (addr.isNull())
console.log('Data dump ' + info + ' :');
const buf = addr.readByteArray(size);
// If you want color magic, set ansi to true
console.log(hexdump(buf, { offset: 0, length: size, header: true, ansi: false }));
function resolveAddress(addr) {
const idaBase = ptr('0x1FEE0000'); // Enter the base address of jvm.dll as seen in your favorite disassembler (here IDA)
const offset = ptr(addr).sub(idaBase); // Calculate offset in memory from base address in IDA database
const result = baseAddr.add(offset); // Add current memory base address to offset of function to monitor
console.log('[+] New addr=' + result); // Write location of function in memory to console
return result;
script.on('message', on_message)
print("[!] Ctrl+D on UNIX, Ctrl+Z on Windows/cmd.exe to detach from instrumented program.\n\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: %s <process name or PID>" % __file__)
target_process = int(sys.argv[1])
except ValueError:
target_process = sys.argv[1]