To setup Frida for macOS, you need to authorize Frida to use task_for_pid to access your target process.
If you run your Frida tool via the GUI with your local user (e.g. from, you will be prompted via taskgate to authorize the process.
You may also need to disable System Integrity Protection.
Objective-C basics
import frida
import sys
def on_message(message, data):
print("[{}] => {}".format(message, data))
def main(target_process):
session = frida.attach(target_process)
script = session.create_script("""
const appWillFinishLaunching = ObjC.classes.NSApplicationDelegate['- applicationWillFinishLaunching:'];
Interceptor.attach(appWillFinishLaunching.implementation, {
onEnter(args) {
// As this is an Objective-C method, the arguments are as follows:
// 0. 'self'
// 1. The selector (applicationWillFinishLaunching:)
// 2. The first argument to this method
const notification = new ObjC.Object(args[2]);
// Convert it to a JS string and log it
const notificationStr = notification.absoluteString().toString();
console.log('Will finish launching with notification: ' + notificationStr);
script.on("message", on_message)
print("[!] Ctrl+D or Ctrl+Z to detach from instrumented program.\n\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":