Frida 1.6.3 Released ∞
This latest release includes a bunch of enhancements and bug fixes. Some of the highlights:
The remainder of Frida’s internals have been migrated from udis86 to Capstone, which means that our Stalker is now able to trace binaries with very recent x86 instructions. Part of this work also included battle-testing it on 32- and 64-bit binaries on Windows and Mac, and all known issues have now been resolved.
has been added to the JavaScript API, allowing you to easily change page protections. For example:
Memory.protect(ptr("0x1234"), 4096, 'rw-');
omits Frida’s own threads so you don’t have to worry about them. -
Python 3 binaries are now built against Python 3.4.
So with this release out, let’s talk about CryptoShark:
Grab a pre-built Windows binary here, or build it from source if you’d like to try it out on Mac or Linux.