Frida 5.0 Released ∞
Wow, another major release! We decided to change the Device API to give you persistent IDs so you can easily tell different devices apart as they’re hotplugged.
But that’s just the beginning of it, we’re also bringing a ton of other improvements this time:
- core: change to represent individual devices across reconnects
- core: add new Droidy backend for interfacing with connected Android devices
- core: adjust confusing iPhone 5+ device name on Darwin
- core: normalize the fallback iOS device name for consistency with Android
- core: upgrade V8 to
- objc: include both class and instance methods in $methods and $ownMethods
- python: add -D switch for specifying the device id to connect to
- python: add frida-ls-devices CLI tool for listing devices
- python: update to the new API
- python: add get_local_device() and improve API consistency with frida-node
- node: update to the new API
- node: improve the top-level facade API
- qml: update to the new API
- clr: update to the new API
- frida-ps: improve the output formatting
- core: add support for source maps
- node: add frida.load() for turning a CommonJS module into a script
- node: upgrade Nan
- core: add console.warn() and console.error()
- core: add Module.enumerateImports() and implement on Darwin, Linux, and Windows
- core: allow null module name when calling Module.findExportByName()
- core: move Darwin.Module and Darwin.Mapper from frida-core to frida-gum, allowing easy Mach-O parsing and out-of-process dynamic linking
- core: better handling of temporary files
- frida-trace: add support for conveniently tracing imported functions
- frida-trace: blacklist dyld_stub_binder from being traced
- python: avoid logging getting overwritten by the status message changing
- core: improve arm64 hooking, including support for hooking short functions
- core: improve arm64 hooking, also taking care to avoid relocating instructions that other instructions depend on, including the next instruction after a BL/BLR/SVC instruction
- core: port Arm64Writer and Arm64Relocator to Capstone
- core: fix crash on teardown by using new API provided by our GLib patch
- core: fix module name resolving on Linux
- core: improve ELF handling to also consider ET_EXEC images as valid modules
- core: improve arm64 hooking
- core: port {Arm,Thumb}Writer and {Arm,Thumb}Relocator to Capstone
- python: fix tests on OS X 10.11
- node: fix tests on OS X 10.11
- core: turn NativeFunction invocation crash into a JS exception when possible
- core: add Process.setExceptionHandler() for handling native exceptions from JS
- core: install a default exception handler that emits error messages
- core: prevent apps from overriding our exception handler if we install ours early in the process life-time
- core: gracefully handle it if we cannot replace native functions
- core: allow RPC exports to return ArrayBuffer values
- python: add support for rpc methods returning ArrayBuffer objects
- node: add support for rpc methods returning ArrayBuffer objects
- core: don’t install a default exception handler for now
Re-release of 5.0.7 due to build machine issues.
- python: update to match new build server configuration
- core: fix instrumentation of arm64 functions with early usage of IP registers